Monday, December 27, 2010

Where Has This Year Gone?

Can you believe it? 2010 is almost gone and 2011 is fast approaching! Another year almost gone. What have you done this year? What have you gone through? What has God brought you through? What are your blessings? What has God given you?

I know God has given me a wonderful church family. It is so neat to see the body of Christ working together. Here are just a few things I have seen:
* a care group praying specifically for each youth group kid and college student!
* people willing to make a meal for a celebration of a new family member or a death of a loved one, or a family in need.
* our body's patience with one another
* prayer for one another. I have been a recipient of this and I so greatly appreciate it!!!
* to have the desire to help out in any situation for anyone!

and guess what?
This is the body of believers I belong to! I can't begin to tell you what that means to me!
I thank God for that! This is something I don't take for granted. I am forever grateful!

1 comment:

  1. can I forget.....somebody brought me coffee! ah!
